
Adimas Immanuel is an Indonesian poet. He was born in Solo, Central Java, 1991. His poems have been published in various mass media such as Kompas, Tempo, and Suara Merdeka. He has published some poem collection books: Empat Cangkir Kenangan (Serba Indie, 2012), Pelesir Mimpi (katabergerak, 2013), Di Hadapan Rahasia (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016), and Suaramu Jalan Pulang yang Kukenali (Malaysia, 2016).

In 2014, with some photographers and installation artists, he held an art exhibiton based on his book, Pelesir Mimpi. In the same year, the book itself longlisted for the Khatulistiwa Literary Award and shortlisted for the Indonesian Readers Award. He was invited to attend the ASEAN Literary Festival 2015, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2015 and Melbourne Emerging Writers Festival 2016. For correspondency, mail him to: immanuel.adimas@gmail.com